Ingrid Persaud

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Popo: brilliant, vulnerable and stuck. She’s determined to free herself from the traps of her past.
Mana Lala: a devoted mother. Her only connection to her man is their little boy, and she will do anything to keep them close.
For Doris, well, he’s glorious and once she’s licked him into shape, her husband presents an opportunity to climb the social ladder. She’s heard the awful stories, but she’s sure they won’t be hers.
Rosie just wants to mind her business, her lover, Etty, and her store.
Four lives, connected and controlled by one man: the notorious, charismatic gangster Boysie Singh. A superlative feat of literary imagination, Ingrid Persaud establishes once again her mastery of voice and her technical brilliance, all wrapped up and delivered to the reader in irresistibly engaging storytelling.