Fred Fernandez Armesto

Agent: Jane Villiers
T: +44 (0)20 7823 3883
11 Jubilee Place, London,
SW3 3TD, United Kingdom
Fred studied English Literature at Oxford University. He was the winner of the Latitude Award at the Austin Film Festival in 2012 for his screenplay, DEEP BURIAL, which was produced and released by SyFy Films. Fred co-writes with Adam Gyngell.
They have written episodes of WHITE DRAGON (Two Brothers/ITV), SHOGUN (DNA/FX) and TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED (The Ink Factory). Their script FRAGMENTS (Two Brothers) was voted on the 2018 TV BritList. Their script MONEY TREES was voted on the 2019 TV Brit List.
They have original TV projects in development both in the UK and the US, for Skydance, Circle of Confusion and Longboat Pictures. They are working with directors Francis Lawrence, Duncan Jones and Greg Yaitanes.