Seth Resnik

Agent: Matthew Bates
T: +44 (0)20 7823 3883
11 Jubilee Place, London,
SW3 3TD, United Kingdom
Seth Resnik is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles and London. A graduate of the Peter Stark Producing Programat USC’s School of Cinematic Arts, Seth’s first student short film, F_HO_SE, was nominated for a Student Academy Award.
Seth’s first script, FIRE IN A COAL MINE, a feature-length political thriller set in Bosnia and co-written with Ron Moskovitz, was awarded a Nicholl Fellowship from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The script was also a selected project at the Sundance Independent Producers Conference.
Seth’s UK commissions include:
DEAD LINE, adpted Chris Ewan’s best-seller thriller as feature film for Rooks Nest Entertainment.
FERAL, commissioned by Raw Productions to write pilot episode of original series for Discovery Channel.
PANOPTICON, a police-noir thriller for the surveillance age, developed with ScottFree for Channel 4.
ZIGGURAT, an international thriller in development with Red Arrow.